? ? ? ? On 16th July, 2011, the mid-year work conference was held in the company’s multifunction room and was attended by all company’s senior managers.
? ? ? ?This conference was chaired by Chief administrative executive, Miss Maggie Huang. To begin with, each department head has summarized the first half of year performance of their department respectively. This includes analyzing the potential problems in existing projects as well as forecasting the second half of year performance with planning and objectives. Secondly, the senior managers were divided into small teams and discussed about the topic set by the Chief administrative executive. Each team has showed their strong enthusiasm and passion throughout the discussion. Lastly, General Manager, Mr. Jason Chen, summed up this conference having analyzed the four highlights in the first half year of 2011. At the same time pointing out existing difficulties and encouraged everyone to have strong believes by emphasizing ‘Our business must succeed, our business will definitely succeed’.